Welcome to the official web site of The Paper. To your left, you'll see some buttons you can click to make your way around. At the bottom you'll find my e-mail address so you can contact me. You'll also notice a really cool counter that lets you know exactly how many people have visited this site already! One thing on this site that I'm happy to have is an archive of all available issues of The Paper. Just click on the link to the Archive. Come chat! Here's a link!
What's NewThe following is a list of recent additions to our web site. Whenever we publish a paper, make a major change in The Paper, or add anything else to our web, we'll put a notice here. Every month we'll remove the oldest items. The most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated content.
�1999 The Paper. Website created by Andrew Yaksic.